We took some bags of M&M and decided we were going to count how many were in each bag.
First before we opened the bags we made an estimate of how much was in each bag, then we looked at the back of the bags and found out how much M&M said there should be in each bag. We had to multiply 1/4 cup by 8 serving, so to do this we had to measure and see how much was in 1/4 cup. Then we poured out all the M&Ms and counted them to see how much was really in the bag and last we put all the colors together and made an estimate of which one had more - then counted those and finnaly ate some when we were done....
So here is what we found
Mac - bag of Pretzel M&Ms / guesstimate 180 / 1/4 cup had 23 m&m times 8 = 184 / counted exactly 136 /which was a 48 difference / guessed orange was the most / yellow = 30 / orange = 36 / blue = 33 / brown = 9 / green = 18 / red = 10 / she was right orange did have the most
Belle - bag of plain M&M / guesstimate 1130 / 1/4 cup had 66 times 8 serving = 528 / actual = 424 / difference of 104 / guess that blue and orange were tied (she put hers in the measuring cup and they were both 1/3 cup) / brown = 36 / red = 46 / yellow = 42 / blue = 112 / orange = 111 / green = 60 / she was one off so that was impressive
here are the videos..... only macs - belle messed up...
Many moons ago we made play dough - one with sugar and one with salt.. The Green or conductive clay which had salt in it and Isabelle and I made first. Mac and I made Blue or Insulating play dough that had salt in in and would not let electricity pass through it.
Now you are asking why?? - To learn about electricity... So here is how it works....
Adding salt to the dough helps electricity move through the material. With enough power, the electrical current can light LEDs and sound a buzzer!
We blew out about 3 LED to start with until we got the hang of and I let the girls try different things till it worked, which believe it or not it did - It was awesome. The girls played by themselves with different clay designs trying to make each one work. Some did and some didn't - and the ones that didn't we would look at and figure out why - they loved it...
If you are interested in doing this yourself here is the link to help explain and projects.. teacher's guide
If you try this at home I have a few suggestions ....
1) Make the Insulating clay white, and when making it add the water very slowly, the other you can just add all the water at once.
I have been really bad the last two weeks so I am going to give you the run down...
Got up at 4am and watch the wedding - of course - who didn't - I was so excited and they told of lots of history about the wedding and English government - Awsume...
We went and watched African Cats at the big movie theater at Downtown Disney - It was sooooo good and we learned a lot about cats and ask lots of questions on the way home.. Best part of watching at that movie theater is you can have a big kid drink at the move theater
I bought the girls Brainquest workbooks - So every moring we do 2 pages and the girls make $1 - they also have to make there bed and clean up but its a great way to give the girls spending money.
Easter.....We colored easter eggs and had lots of eggs salad for the next day, which is Belle favorite food. The Easter bunny came and left us lots of candy and brought us a really cool easter basket.