I have been really bad about the blog this week but we have done a lot - so here is a recap
Beach - the two days it was in the 80's here we went to the beach - We mostly ran around and got soaked but we checked out the birds, sand, some shell and of course the dead jelly fish hanging out on the beach.

We did some math - I ordered a pizza and we talked about fractions and how two sides make a half and if you had 4 peopl ehow many sections would you eat. Mac was right on answered all the questions and started making even more advanced equations- and we talked about that pizza a hundred different way - Belle on the other had anwered all the questions underestood but kept running away and was so hungry she couldn't stand herself but got the concept.
I did the same thing when we went to Red Robin for dinner that night with the french fries and man Mac is good - Belle could do the math and split thing up with some help - we will do a video next week
This is some of the fun art work we did...

McKenzey found a really cool bug - I helped her look it up on the internet and find out what it was and learns some facts about it - she did so well I paid her a whole dollar and she was so excited that we decided we are going to do another project like this one on pirates... Here is what we found out about the bug...
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