The girls got 12 of the 16 beads sorted and Mac and I had to go to gymnastics (she got moved up to a class that will be competing... maybe )...Belle starts worrying that Jack will eat all of the beans and that they looked really dirty and need to be cleaned - so she asked Michael (who was not paying attention) if she could wash them - Yea.... They all got soggy in the water .... so luckily I bought two bags and we will try it again....
I also bought some more uno cards and asked the girls to see how many cards they could find that added up to 10 here is what they found...
We also watched Word Girl and learned some new words and there meaning....
We have a Squirrel that we are trying to train to come get food out of our hands - he or she has taken it out of my hands once - yes he might eat our hand off put they are so cute...
Mac and Isabelle are both getting really good at putting the states in place. We have a game called shake the states - Mac decided to do second level which has no line for the states and did it with no help - Belle of course didn't want to be u outdone by her sister so she did it also with no help... I am so impressed - I don't think there is a lot of adults that can do that....
Last is the cutest picture of McKenzey when she was 2 at little school - how she has grown...
Very cute!!